For women ready to... Pursue Freedom, Embrace inner beauty, and Step into their God-Given purpose...

with the direction of God and his perfect timing!


We often find ourselves wondering how we will get through our current trial, where our days have gone, or what happened to the hopes and dreams we once had? We wrote this book to help you...

Move forward freely.

Embrace the life you have today.

Live with God's abundance and glory that awaits you.

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Get healed, be restored and step into the call God has for YOU!

Step 3

Enjoy These Free Resources When You Opt-in Above

And step into God's perfect timing for your life!



Angela's head-to-heart coaching tool gets right to the 'heart' of healing.



Barb shares her favorite coaching tool teaching a restoration technique for your home & heart.



Niccie's giving you her 3-day Fortify Your Prayer life coaching tool to learn to pray powerfully.

His Word says that YOU SHALL BE HEALED...NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME to tap in his power!


Kairos Time. [‘kīräs] noun, Greek, the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words, or movement.

The Greeks taught a clear distinction about time… as it relates to Chronos and Kairos. In English – there is no clear difference between how these words are used.

Chronos: (is quantitative) refers to clock time – time that can be measured – seconds, minutes, hours, years. Time that goes and cannot be retrieved – once it has gone, it’s gone.

Kairos: (is qualitative) It measures moments, not seconds. The right moment, the opportune moment. The perfect moment.

We are called to step out of Chronos time into Kairos time. This is where we find the moments in our lives where numerous promises and prophecies come to pass, all in the same season.

It’s humanly impossible to walk into our divine destiny and purpose without the direction of God and his perfect timing

"We created the Kairos Time Retreat and One Day Workshops so women can Pursue Freedom, Embrace inner beauty, and Step into their God-Given purpose"

- Angela, Barb, & Niccie

Meet The Authors


I am an author, faith-based Life & Inner Healing coach, and speaker who helps women operate in their full potential and destiny – through a 5-Step Process of inner healing and life advancement. Moving from scarcity mindset to God-given abundance… where they go deeper to grow higher.

MY LAND: going from orphan to adoption.

MY PATH: finding your worth and value.

MY GARDEN: embrace pruning/nurturing.

MY FOUNDATION: grow z expand in God.

MY BASEMENT: take dominion/ownership.


I am an author, designer, coach, and speaker who helps women find beauty in the details of their home and life through a 5-Step process. Here I will be teaching you as it relates to your home and life these steps:

RECOGNIZE their need for a designer

REMOVE what is not of value

REPURPOSE broken gifts and mindsets

REDEEM the blueprints to their destiny

REALIZE their purpose through God’s Royal Design.


I’m an author, life & business coach, and speaker who elevates others into their SWEET SPOT, where they get more out of life and work because they partner with God, know their divine purpose, and how to TAP INTO THE TRINITY offers. I'll be helping you step into your call boldly because you can know and hear God working in your life, guiding you, and protecting you.

GOD'S POWER: available for all to tap into.

HOW TO ASK: 8 ways to approach God

HOW TO SEEK: learn 'Tap Into Trinity' power

HOW TO KNOCK: blind faith wins

5-DAY LIFE PLAN: to inspire a heart of habitue

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