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Under Attack, Yet Vindicated, Grateful, and Blessed

December 28, 20161 min read

“Let them shout for joy and rejoice, who favor my vindication; And let them say continually, “The LORD be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant.” Psalm 35:27

When I read this verse, I thought about the attacks that we are under throughout our days, which never reach us. And in that, I rejoice! God is our Master, and we serve only Him. We can rejoice while under attack because we KNOW of God’s great power, we KNOW of His unconditional love, and we KNOW of His promises to never forsake us…His chosen people. You, His son- You, His daughter is vindicated through Christ…. So, let’s rejoice!

Today’s post goes out to those of us who may feel a little under attack right now. Never underestimate the power of the world- it’s doubt, insecurities, hate, and loneliness are just that of the world….and NEVER of God. They are waiting for us to pull away from God and Hid protection to do their work on us.

BUT NO, let’s keep our energy focused on staying close to the Lord who will be magnified by our faithfulness. He not only delights in our faithfulness, He delights in the prosperity that comes of this partnership!

What better partner can we have?

Faith Infused Living…Reaching Goals Higher!

Niccie Kliegl, CLC, RN

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